An ITSM tool can make or break a service desk. As organisations rely more and more on technology to improve their service, they’re becoming increasingly integral and as such, negative aspects of a tool are easily identifiable and can quickly become a frustration to the professionals that use it.

A survey run by the Service Desk Institute captured the key frustrations organisations have with their ITSM tools and we weren’t surprised with the top areas:

  • USABILITY Layout, Outdated Interface, Interface is not user-friendly, Mobility, Poor search function, Navigation
  • FEATURES No dashboards, No self-service, Cloud limitations, Limited “out of the box” abilities, No archiving

We also weren’t surprised that Usability has become more of frustration over time. In our experience customers have increasing expectations on ease of use and have little tolerance for software that takes too long to navigate or has little room for customisation.

The other frustrations that stood out to us were the 2 new-comers to the list:

  • NEW IMPLEMENTATION Getting everyone up to speed, Lack of take-up from other teams, Assigning process owners, No uptake, Assigning content owners
  • VENDOR SUPPORT Vendor job follow up, Poor leadership, Support does not align with services Poor support

Often Vendor teams are light on the ground in our region so getting the personalised support you need can be challenging and it’s when more organisations are turning to partners to help get the best for their organisation.

We often work with organisations that are looking for independent vendor-neutral advice on which ITSM tool is right for them. Our breadth of experience in multiple Service Management tools and integrations allows us to look at what will work best to meet the individual customer needs.

If you’re currently evaluating ITSM tools and want some advice on what might work best for you

Want to know more about ITSM tools? Get in touch with our friendly team now. For any queries email to or call  1800 99 24 98. We help to grow your business